Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Looked Out The Window and What Did I See?

Our son Josh, and four of our grandkids shoveling the snow off our driveway.

My husband, Lloyd, had back surgery a week and a half ago. They knew Grandpa was in no condition to be out shoveling the very wet, heavy snow, so they came to the rescue.

How sweet is that!

We heard some noise in the front yard, looked out our window and there they all were, each with their own shovel, working like little bees to get all the snow shoveled off the walk and the driveway before being caught.

After they finished here at our house, they took off down our street, then across the street and shoveled all our neighbors drives and walks as well.

Josh, Colton, Camryn, Dallin and Will, thanks for the fun surprise. Thanks for being such great kids. WE LOVE YOU!


  1. Mom, you are mastering the art (and science) of the blog.

  2. They were all happy to come and help out! By the end of the evening they had shoveled 7 driveways. Glad we are close enough to help! Love ya, and glad to see another post!
